Writing Portfolio - Samples
Holistic Therapies Directory
Promote Your Holistic Healing Articles and Increase Your Business
Assignment: Write a blog post about content marketing and the benefit of writing articles on the HTD platform.
Paranormal Daily News
Boyd House – A Most Haunted Home In The Middle Of Nowhere
Assignment: Interview the business owner and write an informative piece to promote her services.
Shaping Humanity's Future at Skinwalker Ranch (Feature article - including a quote provided by Brandon Fugal, Skinwalker Ranch Owner)
Assignment: Write an investigative piece about Skinwalker Ranch.
Spirit or Spoof? Demon Caught On Camera At Clumber Park
Assignment: Write a piece about a reported ghost sighting at Clumber Park.
Parawize Talks – Embark on Your Journey to the Truth
Assignment: Write a piece showcasing the highlights of the Parawize Talks (post-event.)
Spy Witness News
The Top Ten Things A Career Coach Will Tell You
Assignment: Write a piece about working with a career coach and include any relevant citations.
Let’s Go Higher: A Story of Triumph Over Addiction
Assignment: Interview the business owner and write an inspirational piece about his journey from addiction to entrepreneurial success.